Tuesday 20 September 2016

Carrie (1976)

The 5.1 remix is a dedicated mix, but not a very good one.

Fidelity is improved to the point of making some sounds (the score) annoyingly stick out, but dialogue is less tinny than it is in the original mono mix.

But some downright silly remixing decisions were made: In the gym scene about 22 minutes in, boatloads of additional reverb is applied to Miss Collins' dialogue. There are surely other differences, but I lost interest looking for them because the mono is a better mix and it sounds fine on the Shout blu-ray.


  1. Apparently there's an alteration with the mono mix (also applies to the remix) in the gym scene that's been an issue since the DVD release. In the gym scene Collins originally said "that's a very shitty thing you did the other day" but on current releases it was changed to "that was a very shitty thing you did yesterday", Arrow tried searching for the original magnetics themselves but without luck, the last home video release to have the original line was the Criterion laserdisc

    As far as I know there were no other changes though

  2. I wonder if that is the reason behind the "reverb" mentioned.

    1. It's commonly done in remixes in scenes that were echoey to begin with to bring more activity to the surrounds

  3. SpacemanDoug:
    "the last home video release to have the original line was the Criterion laserdisc"

    your wrong. why do people post these fake notions i just wasted $40 bucks on the criterion laserdisc and its still the same as any other release with the edited line during the gym scene

    1. I actually got my info from a forum website so don't blame me, I didn't know either
