Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Conformist (1970)

Funky spectrals aside, the Italian mono track on the American Raro blu-ray sounds good. The track on the Italian Raro blu-ray is digitally identical (despite its DNRed video being anything but).

The audio track on the old Paramount DVD sounds much less detailed than the Raro one, as does the track on the older Arrow blu-ray. The Paramount has an almost monstrous amount of bass--not in a good way--and sounds muffled. The Arrow is even more muffled and has audibly less dynamic range than both.

French Dub
Trintignant's and Sanda's own voices can be heard on the French dub, albeit still dubbed of course. This track is only available on the Italian Raro blu-ray and on the Paramount DVD, and it sounds better on the former. It can be synced to the American Raro blu-ray from the Italian one without any delay.

At times, there is significantly more high-end detail--real detail--in the French dub than on the Italian track. But the French track has a very high noise floor throughout the entire film (which the Paramount tries to reduce, to the detriment of clarity) and hardly any bass.

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