Thursday 9 March 2017

Medium Cool (1969)

The Criterion and Masters of Cinema blu-rays sound exactly the same--sometimes good, but mostly dull and muffled.

The Paramount DVD is better.

It's highly likely that what Criterion were given to work with was the already-mastered audio transfer used for the old Paramount DVD. Additional (destructive) hiss reduction was applied, and one segment was made significantly louder. (I'm pretty certain this restoration was done in-house by Criterion given that Maria Palazzola is credited as the transfer supervisor, and it'd also explain why the MoC audio is identical.)

The DVD is simply more detailed and less muffled, but even it isn't perfect. I suspect only the Paramount LaserDisc presents the track with its full frequency range intact.

Interestingly, about 6 seconds of footage in the dance scene has been removed from the blu-rays. The music--Zappa's 'Who Needs the Peace Corps?'--has been edited to disguise this fact.

And, of course, every home video release except the 1982 Paramount VHS cassette replaces Wild Man Fischer's 'Merry-Go-Round' in the roller derby scene with a version of 'Sweet Georgia Brown' by Brother Bones. Two very different songs, and one must assume that the tone of the scene has changed considerably. The 1982 Paramount VHS is now quite rare.

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