Saturday 18 March 2017

Red River (1948)

(Theatrical cut)

The French Wild Side blu-ray sounds much better than the Criterion blu-ray.

One small issue, though: two music cues present on the Wild Side are absent from the Criterion, and the Criterion spectrals indicate that someone clearly went through the trouble to splice in these segments from a different source. ...So I'm assuming the Criterion is 'more correct'. The rest of the Criterion and Wild Side audio transfers were definitely done from the same source (and are quite possibly the same A/D transfer, too).

There's also one small segment where the ambient Foley is slightly different between the two. It, too, is easily identified with spectrals. (Occurs where the 15 kHz tone is absent on the Wild Side).

These segments don't change the film in any significant way - they're probably just small differences between the theatrical cut and the pre-release cut that weren't identified when the theatrical soundtrack was reconstructed from the pre-release soundtrack. That's what I'm hypothesising, anyway.

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