Monday 6 January 2020

The Princess Bride (1987)

Some interesting differences. There have been at least 3 actual sound mixes made for this film: the Dolby Stereo mix on the Nelson LaserDisc, the Dolby Stereo mix on the Criterion LaserDisc, and the 5.1 remix that's been kicking around since the first DVDs.

General observations: the Nelson LD has the loudest dialogue and sound effects relative to its music, while the Criterion LD and the 5.1 have much louder music. The Criterion LD has the poorest fidelity -- its dialogue is mixed like a giant wall, with a bit of its high-end shorn off. The 5.1 is slightly better, but not by much. I really dislike how the dialogue and sound effects are muffled and rolled off on these two. The Nelson LD is crystal clear, but almost anaemic in how unmanipulated it is -- no exaggerated bass, no compression to the dialogue/effects/music.

Kudos to the fellow who pointed this out: at 00:23:57 (Criterion blu-ray timecode), Wesley's sword is now punctuated with a musical sting as it enters the ground. This effect is absent in the stereo mixes, which just have the diegetic sound of the sword lodging itself. Other minor variations may exist, but this is the only one that's noticeable to me without A/Bing obsessively. (I'd say the 5.1 is very faithful overall to the earlier mixes' sound content.)

The Nelson LD track is really atypical of how most film soundtracks are mixed nowadays, which usually have everything at more or less the same volume. Is the Nelson the theatrical mix? No idea, but it's my easily my favourite.

(It would, however, be logical for Reiner or someone in the film's production to try and bury an original mix they were unsatisfied with, replacing it with ones that are less 'flat'.)


  1. Excellent info as always. Any idea on how the Nelson LD compares to the 2.0 track on the MGM 20th anniversary DVD?

    1. I... didn't realise the MGM DVD had a 2.0 track (quite an oversight!)

      I don't have it at the moment so I can't say, but I'll certainly look into it when I can.

    2. I don't have the laserdisc, so I have to go by Moshroom's description, but A/Bing the 5.1 and the stereo, the way he describes the music mix is the same as what's on the DVD. However, oddly, the musical sting on the sword hit is present (in the stereo).

    3. regarding this issue specifically, the version on YouTube Movies and Disney+ has the stinger cue missing in that moment, so it's possible that it uses one of the stereo tracks or is a new 5.1 track more based off of the original mix
