Friday 27 May 2022

Something Wild (1986)

2001 R1 MGM DVD: The most detailed track I've heard. Clear and very '1986'.

2011 Criterion Blu-ray: Rolled off and a bit dead sounding, which is most noticeable during scenes with music. Interestingly, it's a different mix than the MGM DVD. The transfer notes state it was sourced from a "35mm magnetic track". It doesn't contain different sound effects or any other content-related discrepancies, but its music is at times synced quite differently relative to its dialogue (most significant during the motel scene, by ~500 ms). 

2020 Koch Media Blu-ray: Identical to the Criterion blu-ray.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot fathom why would anyone mess with this track. It was perfectly good originally! I may not like noise reduction, but I get that most people dislike it. But here? There's no hiss or any other noise, they have got no excuse to touch it at all.
