Thursday 4 August 2022

Out of the Past (1947)

1992 Image Entertainment LaserDisc [ID7006TU]: Awful, awful sound - the product of overzealous primitive noise reduction and harsh EQ.

2004 R1 Warner DVD: Objectively mediocre (muffled, hardly anything above ~6 kHz), but far more natural sounding than the LaserDisc.

2014 Warner Archive Blu-ray: Marginally more detailed than the DVD.

I'd very much like to hear the 1989 Turner VHS tape's Hi-Fi track.

1 comment:

  1. Oh maaaan there’s another tape I have to track down now. The LD at least has nice art, essay and exclusive commentary-but it was directly print element sourced and still is an Image LD in terms of quality.
