Sunday 4 September 2022

The Stranger (1946)

1998 Image Entertainment LaserDisc [ID8631TU]: Quite muffled and bass-shy, but not much more than the average modern release. I believe this was the film's second non-public domain home video release, after the 1992 Turner VHS tape.

2007 R2 MGM DVD: So much noise reduction that warbly artefacts can be heard throughout.

2013 Kino Lorber Blu-ray: Most of this audio track is an unadulterated transfer of a 35 mm print from the Library of Congress, and it sounds excellent. However, a few sections (the longest running 5:20) resemble the MGM DVD.

2017 Olive Films Blu-ray: Less noise reduction than the DVD but more than the LaserDisc.


  1. Would you recommend the Kino or the Olive audio presentation? Thanks!

  2. The main problem with this film's Blu-rays is they're all missing varying amounts of footage; see the footnotes at DVDCompare:

    1. You can see in the images above where those missing segments are - I think I aligned them pretty well.
