Tuesday 10 October 2023

Street of Shame (1956)

1991 Daiei Video LaserDisc [PILD-7030]: No noise reduction, though the underlying source elements are a bit rough. Easily the most detailed.

2008 Masters of Cinema DVD: Some noise reduction above 4.5 kHz. A bit muffled, but still quite good.

2008 Criterion Eclipse DVD: More noise reduction than the MoC DVD.

2013 Masters of Cinema Blu-ray: Even more noise reduction than the Criterion DVD. The bass has been cut too. This sounds poor.

2019 Kadokawa Blu-ray: Quite detailed, with some light high-end noise reduction and a treble boost. More annoyingly, an insufficiently aggressive noise gate was applied - so hiss disappears during dialogue-free moments and returns with every word. 

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