Sunday 10 December 2023

Mark of the Vampire (1935)

1996 MGM LaserDisc [ML105725]: Very good - no noise reduction whatsoever. Every subsequent mastering merely applies more noise reduction. I've removed the slight hum from the clip below.

2006 R1 Warner DVD: Some noise reduction compared to the LaserDisc.

2022 Warner Archive Blu-ray: Even more noise reduction; a bit muffled.

1 comment:

  1. I went through so much back-and-forth comparison when I did my review of the Blu-ray and captured the Laserdisc audio. I think the hum removal you did definitely helps because and I was listening to the raw capture. The additional noise left in the Laserdisc’s Audio made it harder to discern what work was done. Thankfully, the Blu-ray audio doesn’t seem to go super heavy handed in the noise reduction which is why I said it was good in my old review, but the ultimate best approach would have been just doing some very light work like the hum reduction you did. The 31 Jekyll and Hyde is the opposite where I really couldn’t tell 100% for sure if the Laserdisc or the new Blu-ray audio was better and the DVD was a muffled sounding horrible track.
