Thursday, 8 September 2016

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)

This one’s interesting. 70 mm versions of the film were projected with a wonderful 6-track mix back in ’68. The 7.1 on the blu-ray is, unfortunately, not faithful to it – it’s a modern recreation. The bigger issue with it, though, is that fidelity-wise, it sucks. High frequencies have been completely neutered, and the eponymous car sounds NOTHING like it should (it ought to sound rattle-y, not putt-putt-y).

Fortunately, the 224 kbps stereo mix provided on the blu-ray sounds LIGHT YEARS better than the 7.1/5.1 and is definitely more faithful to the original 6-track, despite being only two channels. It sounds so much more alive, vibrant, and musical than the muddy and boring 7.1/5.1. Accept no alternatives.


  1. Have you heard the matrix surround mix on the 1993 US LD?

  2. Also, what do you think of the 5.1 mix on the DVDs?
