Saturday, 4 July 2020

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

While the MGM LaserDisc from the early '90s sounds terrible, the Criterion LD sounds better. The Criterion still sounds rather woolly (everything above ~7 kHz is attenuated), so perhaps an earlier release (LaserDisc or VHS) sounds better.

The opening music on the DVD has been spliced in from a different source; it sounds markedly better than the rest of the film. The rest has more noise reduction than the Criterion LaserDisc.

The blu-ray is like the DVD but with some minor additional filtering.

Update (4/13/2022): Added the Warner DVD and updated the images/video with a cleaner capture of the Criterion LD

1 comment:

  1. I happened upon a copy of the 1981 Magnetic Video Corporation VHS tape. The Hi-Fi track has about the same detail as the blu-ray on dialog except less aggressive EQ to attenuate frequencies above 7k, but also has some rough noise reduction.
