Friday 10 September 2021

Limelight (1952)

1993 Fox Video LaserDisc [3434-80]: Quite detailed and natural sounding. This is the only edition among these to retain the 4-minute scene with the armless violinist, which was cut between the London and worldwide premiere. I've removed it from the spectrals below for easier comparison.

2000 Image Entertainment DVD: The same as the Fox Video LD (though with the aforementioned scene absent).

2005 R2 MK2 DVD: Strong hiss and bass reduction and a treble boost. It sounds shrill.

2010 Savor Blu-ray: Slightly better EQ than the MK2 DVD, but still bad.

2015 Criterion Blu-ray: A lot more naturally EQed than the earlier blu-ray and MK2 DVD, but it's still very muffled and has no real bass. 

11/2/2023: Added the Fox Video LaserDisc.

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