Saturday 9 October 2021

Jaws (1975)

The 1995 and 1997 MCA LaserDiscs share the same mastering and sound excellent. 

The 30th Anniversary DVD's mono track is brighter, which benefits dialogue-heavy sometimes but makes everything else (music especially) shrill. The end music in particular doesn't fare well next to the LaserDiscs.

The Universall blu-ray and UHD blu-ray use the same track, which has its bass cut slightly and (more noticeably) its high frequencies attenuated with hiss reduction. The strings in John Williams' score are most affected - skip to 07:53 in the video below.

(Ignore the dither noise above 17 kHz on the 1997 LaserDisc; it's not present on the actual disc.)

1 comment:

  1. best thing to do if one wants to sync this to the UHD is primarily use the laserdisc audio but for the scene with the missing dialogue use the 2005 DVD because it's the second best and has the missing line restored

    my guess is the UHD/BD mono is based off of the mastering of the 2005 mono just because it has similar mixing choices minus the additional filtering
