Saturday 18 December 2021

The Leopard Man (1943)

The Shout Factory blu-ray looks fantastic but sounds dreadful. There's quite a lot of noise reduction that makes everything murky and uninvolving. There's a constant low-frequency hum/buzz that selectively underlies all dialogue, which sounds almost like a distant airplane or that sound worn VHS tapes sometimes have.

The old Image Entertainment LaserDisc sounds better because its hiss hasn't been scrubbed away. The hum/buzz is present here too.

Here's the puzzler: the Warner DVD sounds much better than either, with more true bass and treble information and none of the hum/buzz. Warner provided Shout with the 4K OCN scan, so it's strange that Shout might have been also handed what sounds like a known dupe soundtrack. 


  1. Does the WB DVD track match up to the Shout BD? (I mean once the start time has been adjusted if needed) Or does it need resynching within to get a correct match?
