Saturday 28 October 2023

Gremlins (1984)

1985 Warner LaserDisc [11388LV]: This sounds absolutely wonderful. Extremely detailed, aggressive, and yet not even necessarily bright in that typical '80s kind of way.

2002 R1 Warner DVD - Special Edition: The 2.0 here is a downmix of the 5.1. This new mix sounds poor. There is definite noise reduction on all channels, and it all sounds dark and dead. I'm quite surprised how bad it sounds, actually - a studio film like this from 1984, mixed in Dolby, had very little hiss/noise to begin with, and fidelity-wise (effects aside) most '80s movies tend to sound fine in their newest home video presentations. Not this one.

2009 Warner Blu-ray: The 2.0 track is a downmix of the 5.1 remix.

2019 Warner UHD Blu-ray: The same as the SE DVD. 

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