Wednesday 1 November 2023

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

1989 Criterion LaserDisc [CC1108L]: Very dupey and lacking detail. The worst sounding track.
1992 Republic Pictures LaserDisc [LV22018]: Quite good. The most detailed sounding track among these, though it's clear that the underlying sound elements are rough. There's a low low-frequency hum throughout (removed for the clip below).

1998 R1 Republic Pictures DVD: Very muffled, with basically nothing above 7 kHz. Sourced from the same transfer as the LaserDisc but with strong additional noise reduction.

2018 Olive Signature Blu-ray: Less NR than the DVD, but still lacking detail compared to the Republic Pictures LaserDisc. The 2012 Olive blu-ray is identical.

2021 BFI Blu-ray: Identical to the Olive blu-rays.

2024 Kino Lorber UHD Blu-ray: This has a further noise gate applied compared to the Olive blu-rays, so quiet moments sound dead.

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